A stress fracture in his left foot sidelined Yao after just five games last season. 左脚应力性骨折使姚上赛季只打了五场比赛。
Yao Ming during and ESPN interview on Dec 17 after the Houston Rockets announced the all-star center would miss the rest of the season because of a stress fracture of his left ankle. 在休斯顿火箭队宣布姚明这位全明星级中锋因左脚踝应力骨折将会缺席本赛季剩下的所有比赛后,12月7日姚明在接受娱乐节目电视网(ESPN)采访时如是说。
Objective To study on the cure timing of pelvic stress fracture in revieved female army soldiers. 目的探讨军训女兵骨盆应力性骨折愈合时间。
Hairline stress fracture on my right distal radius. 重压使我的右桡骨末梢骨折。
Objective to study the X-ray findings and evaluate the value of X-ray in diagnosis of stress fracture of the pubic ramus. 目的探讨耻骨支应力性骨折的x线表现及其诊断价值。
General Twin Shearing Hydrostatical Stress Fracture Criterion and Experimental Investigation of Structural Steel 结构钢广义双剪静水应力型断裂准则及试验研究
The thermal stress fracture resistance factor R is used to characterize the thermal shock resistance of the ceramic material. 抗热震性能是结构陶瓷材料的重要性能之一。
Preliminary Study on the Correlation between Bioimpedance and Stress Fracture during Training 兔应力性骨折与生物电阻抗变化相关性的初步研究
Study and Evaluation on Establishment Method of Stress Fracture Animal Model 应力性骨折动物模型建立方法的研究及评价
Treatment of postoperative stress fracture after internal fixation with clavicle hook plate 锁骨钩钢板内固定术后并发应力骨折原因分析及对策
Tibial stress fracture usually occurred in people who took part in exercise frequently. 胫骨应力骨折是运动训练中的常见损伤。
Alan was diagnosed with a stress fracture of an ankle on the eve of the match, but George Graham didn't let on when I made my commentator's check call to him. 比赛前夜,阿兰被诊断出脚踝应力性骨折,但在我作为解说员给主教练格拉汉姆打的常规问询电话中,他并没有说。
We present a male patient with straddle-type pelvic stress fracture and discuss the possible causative mechanisms. 本文报告一例男性跨立式骨盆应力性骨折并探讨其可能生成机转。
In2004, Chinese women's volleyball in the closure of Zhangzhou for training, Zhao Ruirui block off when the accident occurred accidentally injured, was diagnosed with stress fracture. 2004年,中国女排在漳州进行封闭训练时,赵蕊蕊起跳拦网时发生意外不慎受伤,被确诊为疲劳性骨折。
A stress fracture of a bone in the leg. 腿部的应力性骨折。
He needs to have an operation for a stress fracture in his back. 他因背部应力性骨折而需动手术。
Yao said in April that his professional future depended on his recovery from a stress fracture in his left ankle. 姚明今年4月在中国坦然表示,自己的未来取决于左脚踝应力损伤的康复情况。
If your tendon pain lasts more than a few weeks, see a doctor to rule out another, potentially more serious cause of the pain, such as a stress fracture. 如果你的腱子痛持续长达数个星期,应该到医生那里就诊去找出那个潜在的严重的引起你疼痛的原因,比如压迫性骨折。
It was a very sad day for the Houston Rockets when Daryl Morey told the team that Yao would miss the rest of the season with a stress fracture in his foot. 当达雷尔-莫雷告诉我们,姚明由于压缩性骨折这个赛季不能再打球的时候,那一天可真称得上是痛苦的一天。
A stress fracture is simply an injury that you cannot test and push. 但是,姚明的骨折恰恰是让你无法移动或者继续压迫它。
The stress fracture in his left ankle that ended Yao's last season was only the latest in a string of leg and foot injuries that held him back. Shayshay'左脚脚踝的应力性骨折结束了姚明的上个赛季,这只是一连串令他踌躇不前的腿伤和脚伤事件中的最新一起。
The plane stress fracture problem is chosen to prove the linear theoretical basis of the numerical extrapolated method. 结合平面应力裂纹问题对数值外插法的线性插值基础进行了论证。
Objective To study the clinical X ray characteristics of the stress fracture of the fibula by military training. 目的:研究军训致腓骨应力性骨折的临床X线特征。
Comparison of Tibial Stress Fracture between Long Distance Runners and Ballet Dancers 中长跑和芭蕾舞运动中胫骨应力骨折的比较
THE FORMATION OF TIBIAL STRESS FRACTURE: A Mechanical Analysis 胫骨应力骨折形成的力学分析
Discuss the biomechanical mechanism of stress fracture of the femoral shaft. 从生物力学角度对股骨干发生应力骨折的机理进行讨论。
3 cases of stress fracture; 疲劳性骨折3例;
The studies on stress fracture are mainly in tibia, fibula and femur. 以胫腓骨、股骨的应力性骨折为主。